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Friday, September 22, 2006

Free Internet in Hong Kong!

Well, isn't this handy ... I have an hour or so to do something with and I just happened to find a public computer with free internet. Yee haw. Life is always grand with a high speed connection.

It was a lo-o-o-o-ng flight. Left Vancouver at 3:05 pm on Thursday and they tell me it's now Friday night. We crossed the dateline. So it's a new day. Except it never got dark ... I kept looking out of the window and it was still daytime until we touched down in Hong Kong. I finally figured it out .. what we were doing was going in the same direction as the sun. And never caught up with it until we got here.

Guess that means that I will be coming back in the dark .. leaving Colombo at 2:05 am and getting back the same day in Vancouver. So I'll get back the day that I missed.

I've decided just to lose track of time for a while so that my body and mind doesn't get confused. It's going to be confused enough when I land in Delhi. A friend of mine says that what she loves about India is that it turns you on your head. Considering I've already been on my head for most of this short century, maybe this experience will set me right side up again.

The flight was uneventful, which is what you want flights to be. The Hong Kong Airport is just like Pearson Airport with more Chinese food (and probably more authentic). It's not really eastern and not really western either.

Talk about sticker shock .. I just about fell over when I saw that a bottle of water costs $12. Until I realized that there are 7 Hong Kong dollars to one American dollar. I also checked out the personal electronics (of course). $2900 for a canon digital camera. Divide by 7, of course. But even that is pretty pricey. I'm not going to shop here.

I land in Delhi at 2 am. My friend's brother in law has offered to pick me up at the airport. Which is really, really nice of him because I'm going to be really, really tired.

Over and out for now. Keep in touch, everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to travelling in Asia. One piece of advice...when you get to India, force yourself to stay up until about 11:00 p.m to get yourself on the right schedule. About electronics in Hong Kong, I was told by my Asian friends that that's where many Asians purchase their electronics....
Love you kiddo...
keep in touch....Merv