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Monday, September 04, 2006

Farewell to Summer

We're leaving Denman Island today and going to either Bowen or Gabriola Island. Yesterday was the Blackberry Faire on Denman. Pictures to come. Just like the '70's all over again.

Since I've come here, my intuitions about the relationship between Denman and Hornby Island have turned out to be right ... Hornby is the more privileged of the Island, economically speaking. Denman is sometimes referred to as the doormat to Hornby. People have to drive across Denman to get to Hornby, a phenomena that is referred to as the "Hornby 500".

My travelling pal says it's kind of the like the relationship between Hamilton and Toronto. Poor little downtrodden Denman.

Wish we were here to take the last ferry from Hornby today. The Hornby residents have a traditional "Farewell to the Tourists" ceremony when the last ferry happens. They all go down to the ferry dock and wave goodbye to the tourists and yell "Thanks for coming, thanks for going". The ferry captain takes part in it to and there is much ceremony and blowing of horns.

But we will be gone to yet another island. I'm starting to feel like I'm turning a corner too. Already compiling my "To Do" list .. everything from getting final shots, to getting shoes, reminding Dave he has to send my my E-ticket for India, organizing the money supply, getting my visa for India ... I'm just easing my way back to work, just like everybody else is doing right now.

Oh ya, I almost forgot .. Happy Labour Day. Workers of the World Unite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny how you make the comparisons of the 2 islands. I see what you are saying. The way you word it, they could be people and how we live in society.