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Friday, October 13, 2006

The Same Road Bill Gates Uses

Needed -- Four Lane Highway for the IT Industry
Whew! What a day!

I am in busy, dizzy, Bangalore. I came here specifically because my friend Frieda wanted me to meet her friend Indu, a fireball of a journalist who is 70 years old and going stronger than me.

She asked me what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to focus my time on talking to community radio folks. First thing off the plane yesterday I called her and she said "The people from Voices (community radio group) want to talk to you but they'll only be there until four. Call them (It was 2:00) So I took a cab right over there and got to work right away.

This morning she picked me up and took me to meet a woman with a dynamic development and communications group. Just about all women, doing marvellous work. And I picked up a great idea from them .. they have negotiated to give every woman over 45 an extra 15 days a year in "wellness" time because they realize we're at an age when we need to slow down and take care of ourselves. I say Yay!

Indu also took me to All India Radio and I got a good conversation with the Director General of the Southern Region about how AIR regards community radio.

The reference above (the road Bill Gates Uses) refers to the drive Indu took me on to go to Electronics City, the big fancy shiny place where the big high tech companies live. The road to the City is dusty, crowded, noisy, hot .. and Indu said to me "even Bill Gates has to take this road". It stuck with me.

Another thing I saw today -- the Man with the Big Hat from Curious George. Seriously, it's the outfit the people who direct traffic (or try to direct traffic) wear.

Lots of other notable things -- fewer cows in the city here in Bangalore. An occasional goat, but fewer cows. And a lot of stores that I recognize .. Bangalore is a moving, happening, modern city. Of all the cities I've seen, this is the nicest.

Indu has arranged some interesting digs for me too. I am staying at a private club called The Bowering Institute (don't worry Dave, it's within budget anda everything here in Bangalore is much more expensive. So it's a good deal). It's a club set up by the British in 1847. At the time, Indians weren't allowed to come in. Except as servants. Now it's all Indian, the room is sparse but comfortable with hot water even (have I told you that most of the hot water taps here are because you can't buy a set of taps without a hot water tap? Purely decorative. It's got air conditioning too.)

It's hotter down here in Bangalore but I am not doing too badly. Not swimming in sweat like I thought I would do.

So, tomorrow, first thing. Plane flight to Bangalore where I will meet a person who I met in Hamilton in our living room three years ago. He runs an Urban Research Institute and we will have many things to talk about. There is also an exchange program between Hamilton and Mangalore that has been going since the '60's. So there's some good stuff there too.

Must check my email. Just wanted to pop in so y'all wouldn't worry.

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