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Sunday, June 19, 2005

When the Tide Goes Out ...

Thanks to the good friends out there who have been able to see past my chirpiness and ask how I REALLY am. You know me so well.

So I thought I'd share a bit of the less happy side .. partly to reassure you all that I really am doing well. My moments of sadness still come ... I had a cryin' day today but there are many things around me that remind me that tears are just a part of the process when big changes happen, not the whole thing.

So this morning I got up and did a lot of yoga .. a good yoga session can often release stuck feelings and this morning it did. But the sun came out for the first time since I got here, I got to hang a load of wash on the line and I felt all renewed in some basic way.

Then Ursula and I went for a walk up-hill. WAAAY uphill to the top of the mountain to the Bear River Mi kmaq (pronounced MIG-maw) reserve. We stopped in at the Beartown Basket Company and had a great conversation with Chief Greg McEwan about buying video cameras and doing documentaries. And he made me a Spirit Wand .. hard to describe what it is except that it's great as a musical instrument and maybe even casting spells. Haven't tried that yet.

The trip down was a lot easier. Gravity is such a good thing when you're coming down the mountains. One of the best things was a certain part of the road where I could hear the waterfalls of upper Bear River. Very powerful sound.

Then when I was almost home, I picked a big bouquet of purple lupins, yellow lilies and white and yellow daisies. They grow wild and are stunning to look at. I have a bouquet in a vase in the middle of my table reminding me of all the beauty and goodness there is in this place and in this world and in the hearts of me and others.

And another thing I do to keep cryin' days at bay .. I cry as long as I need to then put on some good ol' rock and roll. Bach just doesn't do it on days like this. I need energy.

Time to take Ursula for a walk. The tide is in full right now. Like my friend Simone told me last time I was here .. looking at the river is one of the most healing things about Bear River. The tide goes out, the river empties, but it always fills right back up.

Thanks for caring. I'm doing well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...hey...I think I am figuring this thing out???!!!